We Produce Video That Is

Cinema-grade videography created with a marketing mindset

Our Engagement & Production Approach

Our approach focuses on two main parts, technical production and talent. From the production end we maximize look and output by using industry leading production equipment.

We are talent focused. We have a strong focus on engagement and ensuring that talent is reaching their potential. In interview centered projects it is vital that the talent is comfortable in their environment and interview style to deliver the most succinct and authentic soundbites.

The video below speaks to the different styles of traditional interview setup, walk-and-talk, and their impacts on this project.

Traditional Formatting

This is the traditional format for video shot for engagement and reach on websites, Youtube channels, and broadcast media. This is the format that is shot and delivered by most production companies.

A Mobile-First Approach To Video

This is an example of a mobile-first / socially optimized video format. The goal of this format is to drive and increase mobile engagement and user experience, especially on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This type of production is product of marketing experience combined with professional production.

Project Pricing Options

Production Option A

This is for the production of 21 standard format videos. Consisting of interviews and supporting location footage, as outlined in the RFP.

10,500 Total Cost

500 per Video

Production Option B

Includes everything from Option A. This option also includes mobile-first, or socially optimized versions of the 21 videos.

13,650 Total Cost

650 per Video

Our team delivers

Professional Video Production

We utilize a full suite of professional cameras and production gear, custom sound engineering and music production, talent, script writing, as well as talent coaching, custom traditional and motion graphic production.

Marketing Experience & Expertise

Our roots are based in digital marketing and digital messaging. We take a holistic approach to digital content distribution. Our focus is on platform-specific user engagement, designing content for the platform.

Digital Media Platform Exposure

We build, manage, and produce content for our digital platforms. This allows us to access realtime conversion and engagement data. This data creates the foundation of our messaging and content creation.

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